Spent a good part of January wondering (often out loud), "So what am I doing?" I love creating abstracts and expressionist takes on cityscapes (ie. Cary and Durham, NC). But love alone was not getting me where I wanted to be. I live and breathe BIG, BOLD COLORS and sometimes that can look like a hot mess. I have spent the past couple of weeks working through the hot mess. And I am cautiously optimistic in saying I think we have reached "happy hot mess". The piece above is my first completed piece for the upcoming Cary, NC Spring Art Festival "Cary Spring Daze." I call it "Let's Stroll Into Oblivion: A Love Story." 24x36"
It checks all the boxes I look for in my own home decor. The biggest things on that list: Does it bring me joy on a gross and gray January day? Does it have enough structure not to be COMPLETE chaos for the eyeballs? Yes and Yes.
Let's see where the next few weeks takes me. I am hopeful I can keep this good feeling going. If you are interested in purchasing this piece before the date of my next festival (April 29, 2023), email me at kristin@kristinlozoya.com for pricing, etc.